Residential & Commercial Painter in Northside Indy
Walla Painting is one of the highest-rated painting contractors in the greater Indianapolis area. If your home or business needs an update, Walla Painting can handle it with our residential and commercial painting services. Contact us at (317) 620-0695 or request a quote now. We serve Northside Indy and the surrounding areas.
Your Reliable Painting Contractor
When you choose Walla Painting, you partner with a team of professionals with decades of experience. Since 2008 we served hundreds of home- and business owners. We are proud to have an outstanding track record of satisfied repeat customers who recommend us to their friends and family. With over one hundred 5-star reviews on Google, you can count on us when it’s time to paint your home or business.
Interior Painting
We don’t just paint walls; we help you recreate your personal and professional spaces to mirror your unique style.
Exterior Painting
We pride ourselves on transforming faded siding into buildings bursting with curb appeal. We use high-quality Sherwin-Williams® weather-resistant paint and expert painting techniques.
Cabinet Painting
Revive your worn-out home office or garage cabinets with our repainting services — a much more affordable option than replacement.
Cabinet Refinishing
Brighten up dilapidated kitchen cabinets with a fresh coat of paint to rejuvenate the entire area.
Wood Staining
While we primarily stain outdoor structures such as decks, pergolas, and fences, we’re also skilled at smaller interior staining tasks on untreated wood.
Painter for a Day
Got a few minor painting projects? Our painter for a day service in Meridian Hills can promptly take care of them for you.
Why Choose Us
We pride ourselves on our friendly approach, customer service, and commitment to excellence in every brushstroke.
- Award-Winning Customer Service. With over a decade of being Angi Super Service Award winners, we hold an “A” rating for price, quality, and professionalism.
- Community Recognition. In 2021, we were designated a Neighborhood Favorite in the Home Service Provider category by Nextdoor.
- Top-Notch Quality and Skill. We’re creative craftsmen who infuse tired, outdated spaces with fresh, vibrant colors in the palette of your choice.
- Protection. We protect your home or business throughout the process — from consultation to cleanup.
- Safety. We use low- or zero-VOC paints, safer for infants, the elderly, pets, and asthma- and allergy-prone individuals.
Residential & Commercial Painting Contractors for the Northside of Indianapolis
At Walla Painting, we never contract out any of our work. Our employees are valued members of our team, and they are also members of the local community. We only hire people we would trust to work in our own homes. We are fully insured and bonded for your protection. Contact us at (317) 620-0695 or request a quote now. We serve Northside Indianapolis including Castleton, Meridian Hills, and Nora.